While taking account of regional differences, we can find in the Romanesque style elements characteristic, especially as regards the religious buildings that are its greatest manifestation. For example, the internal division appears to be relatively structured, divided into bays often a span of the nave (a square) corresponds to two spans half the length of the side aisles. The walls are made very thick and sturdy, and the surface treatment of the walls is made in plastic, both within, and outside, with elements projecting that its collapse and create games of chiaroscuro. Are widely used not only as columns in Christian churches, but also the pillars and the use of composite pillars, such as cross-shaped pillars with half leaned. Columns, except cases of pillage, with capitals carved with plants and fantastic shapes, or geometrizzanti, but original and distant than Roman or early Christian. The wall of the nave is generally articulated with plastic elements and openings above the arches and is very often organized on various levels (gallery, triple, cleristorio), the evolution of which he will be one element of development towards the gothic. The material used for the walls is in general (especially for buildings of some importance) stone cutting, reduced in regular concrete, left to view. Not lacking in any brick buildings in areas of missing stone (Pianura Padana). The coverage is mainly a time, although there are also roof truss, both north (Normandy) and south (Italy) and even number of domes (west of France, Venice) during this period spreads the so-called cross vault with an ogive in Burgundy and Poitou. At the same time in the churches of the pilgrimage will begin to use structures that outline the graft of the nave with the transept, like towers and domes, is spreading at the time costoloni from Lombardy and Durham (England), is also the time grid in Germany .
Further innovation of this period are architectural apse with the choir, often connected to the ambulatory, overlooked by the radial chapels, and the predominant use dell'arco full sixth distinguished by following the Romanesque period of Gothic architecture. Finally, we can also note the common use of windows and other openings are very small and consequently a rather rarefied inner brightness which is exalted spirituality, as noted by the transition from Romanesque to Gothic was like finding a growing brightness and progressive enlargement of the openings in response to external changes sensitivity. Quite often the presence of a crypt and a raised presbytery that make the church structured on three levels (considering the aisle).
Ultimately the interior of the churches from the Romanesque period was no longer intelligible in a single glance, but reveals itself in many more stages, with a fragmentation of the building in many sub-elements, each with a degree of formal autonomy. Because of this descriptive approach, which allowed the simultaneous presence of decorative elements from different backgrounds and stylistic flavor, very often you were using the material examination.

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