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Romanesque architecture

romanesque-art-architectureThe Romanesque architecture is the style of building their own centers, which spread in Europe In the twelfth century and until the affirmation of the Gothic, that is towards the middle of the twelfth century in France and with more persistence in other European countries. The adjective "Roman" is the Italian translation of "roman", the word created in the beginning of France to indicate the languages and literatures, Romance or Romance. Charles de Gervilla introduced "roman" in architectural language and the term had luck in a short time is called "Romanesque" is the figurative culture in France that had developed after the Romans until the flowering of Gothic architecture.

Specifically, the term "Romanesque" refers to the link with the Roman architecture, which were included some structural elements (the arch, the pillar, the pillar, the time) and a monumental setting, and space. In relation to the Roman period have been used by historians to the terms pre-Romanesque (referred to architectural achievements of the ninth and tenth century), protoromanico (referring to the first manifestations of this new architectural language on transition between X and XI century) and late for the regions that in the thirteenth century do not accept the new Gothic style.

From the mid-nineteenth century until the early years of the twentieth century, moreover, the Romanesque architecture was the inspiration for a new artistic trend, known as precisely neoromanica architecture.
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